Mission Statement
We are a community of people, chosen and redeemed by God's grace, to live as servants of Christ the King.
We desire to do our part in seeing God's Kingdom established on the earth, as we are equipped to serve, depending on the Holy Spirit and God's authoritative Word.
A Community Equipped for Service:
A Community
Relational jointing
Pastoral covering
Diversity of Gifting and Ministries
Expounding and applying the Word of God
Discipleship in character, gifting and function, in the church and in the world
Supporting strong family life
Envisioning to make a difference: "Understanding the Times"
For Service
PEOPLE: proclaiming and demonstrating the Good News
EDUCATION: training young and old to think Biblically, by teaching and publishing
BUSINESS: Biblical entrepreneurialism; creation of wealth and employment
POLITICS: a prophetic voice and practical involvement
MISSIONS: short / long term; local / global