Statement of Faith
The Bible
We believe the Holy Bible to be the inspired, infallible and inerrant Word of God (66 books from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21). It is the source for all knowledge concerning salvation and our sole standard for faith and practice. It is the standard by which all authorities and revelation are to be evaluated.
We believe in the one true, living God revealed in the Bible: three persons (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) yet one God, the same in essence and equal in power and glory. He is the fountain of life, the Creator of the heavens and the earth. He alone is all-sufficient, perfect and holy in all His ways. His knowledge is infinite and infallible; He is the author of truth. In His wisdom and power, He performs His eternal purpose according to the counsel of His will and for His own glory. He is merciful, most loving and gracious, abundant in goodness, forgiving sin, and the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. To Him is due from every creature whatever worship, service or obedience He is pleased to require of them.
We believe that man was created in the image of God. Through Adam’s disobedience mankind is in a sinful state, separated from God. Being corrupted by sin in mind, will and emotions, man is without hope apart from God.
We believe that salvation is a sovereign work of grace. While salvation is entirely of the Lord, God requires that man puts his faith in Jesus Christ – whom we believe to be the incarnate Son of God, who died substitutionally for man’s transgressions, who was raised from the dead on the third day, and who ascended to the Father.
Such saving faith is evidenced in renouncing self-determination, taking responsibility for disobedience, turning from sin in repentance, and seeking forgiveness from God. It involves a determination to seek first His Kingdom and righteousness, living under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Saving faith is to be demonstrated in public confession, baptism in water, and a changed life demonstrating the fruit of the Spirit, and becoming a committed member of a local church.
Covenant Life
We believe God is a covenant-making, covenant-keeping God. His promises of blessing are given to those who respond to His love in willing obedience. Those promises include forgiveness and eternal life. He is the source of life, and his provision for the believer includes both spiritual and natural resources.
God made this new covenant in the blood of Jesus Christ, who gave His life for us. When believers confess Jesus as Lord, they pledge their lives to do the will of God. Jesus then sends the Holy Spirit to abide in the believer, thus sealing the covenant and writing God’s Law in his heart.
Those who are in covenant with God are also in relationship with one another, as fellow heirs of the same covenant. This requires loving commitment to one another and is expressed in practical ways on a daily basis, forgiving one another in love when necessary.
We believe that the nature and purpose of God is revealed in His Church, the Body of Christ established on earth. We believe the Church Universal consists of all who live under the Lordship of Jesus. The Church Local is a body of believers, baptized and joined together, and living in loving commitment to one another. Since the Church is one as God is one, the Church Local must seek to walk in harmony with the Church Universal.
We believe that Jesus Christ, the Head of the Church, has established government and ministry in the Church: apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers given by the Lord to bring the church to maturity and inspire it to do His work on earth.
We believe the scriptural norm calls for each local church to have a plurality of elders with one presiding. We recognize, however, the validity of various forms of church government as the Lord leads other Christian groups.
We believe the Lord sets His people under pastoral care in the Church for growth in understanding the truth, the maturing of character, and the development of ministry.
The Holy Spirit
We believe that God, the Holy Spirit indwells all believers, comforting, regenerating, justifying, sanctifying, assuring, leading and empowering all who put their trust in Christ. Among the terms used to describe such encounters are “baptism in the Spirit”, “filled with the Spirit” and “anointed with the Spirit”. These experiences should produce greater commitment to God’s will, greater realization of His power, and greater edification of His Church.
We believe the Holy Spirit imparts gifts or special abilities to accomplish God’s will. These gifts include miraculous healings, revelations and utterances. They should be operative in the Church, supervised by mature leaders, and ministered in love by Christians whose lives reflect godly character.
Priesthood of all Believers
We believe in the priesthood of all believers. By the shedding of His blood, Jesus became the believer’s High Priest, and made it possible for each Christian to have free access to the Father. In His presence, each one can know God and receive from Him. Similarly, each is responsible to come to Him in confidence and faith ministering the worship of his lips and the worship of his life as a priestly offering to God.
We believe in the continuation of the fivefold ministries of Ephesians 4:11-14. God gave apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds and teachers to equip the saints for the work of ministry, and for building up the body of Christ, and bring about maturity, unity, stability, and intimacy with Christ among God’s people.
Freedom of Conscience
We believe in freedom of conscience. Each person is responsible for his own choices and behaviour. We recognize the place of civil authority in the secular realm, and spiritual authority in the church. We believe in submitting to both civil and spiritual authority in so far as we are not asked to violate Biblical principles.
We believe in world evangelism. We accept the commission of Jesus Christ to make disciples of all nations, to baptize them and to teach them to observe His commandments. We join with all those who believe in Him to accomplish this task. We accept this as a personal commission, as well as a commission to the entire Church.
We believe there is one true church made up of God’s chosen people throughout time. We value church unity and seek to work together with all who confess Jesus Christ as Lord. We desire and pray for God’s people to walk together in peace.
Civil Authority
We believe God is the author of all authority. He has ordained civil government for the establishment of order and peace in the nations. He has ordained government in the Church to bring it to righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. We believe there should be mutual respect between civil and spiritual authority. While civil authority is separated from church government, it remains accountable to God and His Law.
We believe it is the task of the Church to speak prophetically to the nations, both by proclamation and by living example. The Church must proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord until every knee bows and every tongue confesses that He is Lord to the glory of God. Meanwhile, the Church is to submit to, honour and pray for the civil government.
We believe that a church established and supported by the State tends to lose its ability to represent God’s will to the nation, and Christians of persuasions other than those sanctioned by the State tend to lose their freedom to worship after the dictates of their own consciences.
Tithes and Offerings
We believe the Church should be supported by the tithes and offerings of those committed to its mission. We further believe that when God’s people freely serve God, there is financial abundance to accomplish God’s purpose. In tithing we acknowledge that all we have and are belongs to God, and comes rightfully under the jurisdiction of His government.
Christ’s Return
We believe Jesus Christ will return to the earth, visibly and in bodily form. Christians are exhorted to be watchful and obedient until His appearing. We wait expectantly for His return, while actively praying and working to see His kingdom come, His will being done on earth as it is in heaven, anticipating a greater manifestation of his government on the earth. We believe His appearing will occasion the resurrection of the righteous who have died and are now with Him.
We believe in the final judgement at the end of the age. The righteous and the wicked shall stand before Him and be judged. The righteous in Christ will be rewarded with the privilege of ruling with Him and enjoying His eternal blessings. The wicked will be eternally punished.
We recognize that the creedal acceptance of our statement of faith does not relieve us of the responsibility to live by faith. We gratefully acknowledge those who have faithfully served God in ages past and recognize our indebtedness to those who have suffered for the sake of the truth which we now hold dear. We acknowledge those who serve Jesus Christ now, whose doctrinal expressions may be different from ours. We desire to walk with them as brothers and sisters.